How to have a green death

By AnnMichelle G. Hart, Esq.
November 19, 2021

Are you concerned about the environment? Have you thought about what you want to have happen to YOU at your death? We’re going to talk funeral options today so you will have more information to make an informed decision.  

Hi I’m Ann Hart, HartLaw PLLC, I’m an Estate Planning attorney in Washington State.  

You may not know all the options you have regarding your final disposition. If you’re concerned about the environment, some options may make more sense to you than others. 

The one you’re probably most familiar with is a traditional ground burial. Environmentalists don’t like this option because of all the chemicals used in the preparation. 

Another option you may be familiar with is cremation. Environmentalists have recently begun to raise the alarm on this option because it uses fossil fuels leaving a carbon footprint. 

So what’s available if you if you don’t want those? Good news – there are newer options for you.

If you still want a burial, there are now Conservation Cemeteries where there are no chemicals used in the preparation for burial. As of this video there are currently two in the State of Washington

You can also be composted. In Washington there is one company that will reduce you to compost to be returned to your family, or be used to restore a forest in southwest Washington. 

Since we are so close to the ocean, you have the option of a burial at sea. There are strict guidelines for this service so be sure to do your homework on this one. 

Another option that has been around for a long time but is gaining popularity is to donate yourself to a university or a medical research facility. 

Keep in mind their are costs differences between the many options. You should do your homework on each of your choices. If there is a substantial hurdle in either the cost or in the process, you may want to arrange and pay for the option of your choice prior to your death so you won’t leave that burden to your family. 

If you want help weighing your options, call me I’m Ann Hart, HartLaw PLLC – your attorney with heart.